Nov 6, 2023 | Artistic Inspiration




The most rewarding part of this whole experience, sharing my art in

the world is something that I enjoy a lot.

It is not just seeing my pieces of art. It’s appreciating all the creativity that the
countless talented artists do in them different techniques that inspire me to create


This exhibition in Madrid, “CLIFFHANGER,” presented by my representative MONAT Gallery, is incredibly beautiful.

Collaborating with other artists is an experience every artist should have at some stage in their professional career.

This experience in Madrid is truly unique and highlights how art is at the forefront worldwide. Art is an ancient means of

expressing everything we have to share, embodying our philosophy of life.


Sometimes people can’t interpret art because they find it uncreative, expensive, or they judge the pieces too harshly. What I can

tell you is that each artist has their own unique talent, and no one can replace it, not even a copy.

Sometimes people can’t interpret art because they find it uncreative, expensive, or they judge the pieces too harshly. What I can

tell you is that each artist has their own unique talent, and no one can replace it, not even a copy.




The emotional impact of seeing her was so profound that at that moment, there was nothing to separate me from the artwork—no

glass or anything else. Now, taking a selfie with her in the museum is highly requested. Initially, I thought the artwork was small in

size, but upon closer inspection, I appreciated and valued its dimensions, discovering intriguing details enhanced by the

symmetrical balance that engaged my gaze. Each exhibition is unique, and so is the appreciation it inspires.







I encourage you to attend more exhibitions, even if they aren’t far from your country, to support galleries and exhibitions, which

are highly valued by artists. At MONAT Gallery, you’ll find a vast array of artworks due to the substantial artist participation. Allow

me to remind you of the dates and address so you can enjoy cultural enrichment until the end of this rewarding year.




With Love,

Yahaira Vannucchi.


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