This exhibition in Paris Art Fair 2024 is the first of many I
have this year!
Ready to pack your bags if you love Paris! Join us at 1 Place de la Porte de Versailles, 75015 Paris from January 26 to 28 this
year. I am always delighted to share every detail of my process, as sharing is part of the learning experience that can inspire
others to take different actions and move forward without being held back by fear.
Being presented is my second collection , and it holds a special place in my heart. This collection is mesmerizing in its details;
some contemporary art lovers will understand what I mean. But if you feel you don’t grasp art, let me explain a bit. Throughout
history, humans have always strived to convey their emotions. From prehistoric times, they created art on stone around their
shelters, depicting their lives and survival stories. Without that creativity and those expressed emotions, we wouldn’t be able to
understand or even have an idea of what transpired back then.
This collection is fascinating in its details; some contemporary art lovers will understand what I mean. But if you are one of those
who assume they do not understand art, let me explain. Each expression impacts our lives socially, culturally, philosophically,
politically, and emotionally. With every piece of art I paint, I hope to connect and integrate your body language with your feelings.
It is a visual language that does not require questions about what happened; the emotions are there. When you converse with
collectors or art admirers, they will provide their own definitions. It is more of an experiment than an analysis seeing how much
positive impact I can generate in society is part of my daily inspiration.
I was inspired by energy as a representation of power.
Don’t live in the past, change the energy to live in the present and plan for the future. What can you do with mistakes?- learn from
them and turn them into wisdom..This piece of art I named red love collection was inspired by my husband and me we love a lot
of music, I hope you enjoy it and like it.
With Love,
Yahaira Vannucchi.