Carrot Color Top – Abstract – Mountain Tops Collection.
Unique art piece made in 2023.
Yahaira Vannucchi.
United States.
Painting oil on canvas.
Size : 30 W x 36 H x 1.1/2 D.
Professional Shipping Included.




This unique piece titled “Carrot Mountain Top” was created in 2023 by Yahaira Vannucchi.I am an

artist, urban planner, coach, and entrepreneur with more than 16 years of teaching experience.

I was inspired by the Carrot Mountain Top and the fable of the tortoise and the hare.In the world of animals lived a very proud

and vain hare, who did not cease to proclaim that she was the fastest animal in the forest, and who spent the day mocking

the slowness of the tortoise.

One day, the tortoise came up with an unusual bet for the hare:


-Me? The hare asked in amazement.

– Yes, yes, you, said the tortoise. Let’s put our bets and see who wins the race.

The hare, very conceited, accepted the bet promptly.

So all the animals gathered to witness the race. Very cunning and confident in herself, the hare rushed out, and the tortoise

stayed behind, coughing and shrouded in a cloud of dust. When he began to walk, the hare had already lost sight of it.

Regardless of the advantage the hare had over her, the tortoise kept pace, non-stop.

The hare, meanwhile, confident that the tortoise would take a long time to catch up, stopped halfway before a leafy, green

tree, and rested before finishing the race. There she fell asleep, while the tortoise continued walking, step after step, slowly,

but without stopping.

It is not known how long the hare fell asleep, but when she woke up, she saw with dread that the tortoise was only three

steps from the goal. In a startle, he ran out with all his strength, but it was too late: the turtle had reached the finish line and

won the race!

That day the hare learned, in the midst of great humiliation, that we should never make fun of others. He also learned that

overconfidence and vanity is an obstacle to achieving our goals. And that no one, absolutely no one, is better than anyone


I look forward to sharing more of my art and experience with you.

Carrot Color Top – Abstract – Mountain Tops Collection.
Unique art piece made in 2023.
Yahaira Vannucchi.
United States.
Painting oil on canvas.
Size : 30 W x 36 H x 1.1/2 D.
Professional Shipping Included.

With Love

Yahaira Cohinta Vannucchi.





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