Aug 17, 2023 | Artistic Inspiration

PARIS ART FAIR “2023” MONAT Gallery  is representing me in

Europe at the art3f fair. Contemporary the best art show in Paris 2023.


Today is a very exciting day to me after two months ago I opened Vannucchi Art Studio it is

unbelievable and amazing every single detail. I’ve been extremely busy behind the scenes. Learning

how an art business operates is fascinating. I cannot express how happy I am for the opportunities

and doors that have opened me for me.




Never give up on your dreams, fight for everything you want, persevering until you get where you want to go and reach your

goals. Timing in life is an interesting concept. A lot of people give up on dreams, goals, I feel the time is not right or that they are

too old. We are all on a different timeline and goals can be achieved at any age. Do not let time stop you. Whether it is having a

child, finding a partner, getting married, taking a trip, studying that specialty, buying that car, having that house, chase that dream

at any age and be open to opportunities that come into your life.



It will come if you prepare, if you make an effort, if you are hungry, desire, energy, and love above all things to enjoy the process.

This month is the best of the year because it is in the month that I turn xx years old hahaha.

Things happens, when become to be more  engaged in our process, and ready to be  open to share with those around you so

never give up.  1 Place de la Porte de Versailles 75015 Paris. You are cordially invited.”





With love,

Yahaira Vannucchi.


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