National Art Program USA

Apr 2, 2024 | Artistic Inspiration

National Art Program  USA


Participating in the 21st annual National Arts Program; there is still 2 weeks left to view the

show Finley is open still to 19th April, this exhibition is very special this exhibition.



I have been fortunate to participate in exhibitions of major art fairs internationally in Milan, Paris, Miami, Madrid and now in my

new country and in my city of residence in United State.


I’ll tell you how it happened and I find it interesting when you want something clearly and you take action, things happen, that’s

how fascinating I find it how I start this invitation to exhibit my art. The year before I decided to start my art business on the right

foot and the first exhibition was in Paris and in that period I received the invitation of my participation in the USA, I was happy that

it was so fast and so the exhibition began from February to April.

Please save the date to enjoy my artwork and more art.




With love,

Yahaira Vannucchi.



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