It’s fascinating how the intellectual value of art transcends through the cultural intention of belonging in space.
Art starts to gain value when thousands of people connect with it and feel that expression as their
own, even if they are not the creators. They might even call it “my painting.” That sense of belonging
is the legacy that all human beings should share.
As an artist, I am captivated by the creativity of writers, climbers, singers, architects, and even animals, who teach me every day
about their extreme survival and growing adaptability. We artists are like that: we innovate, revolutionize, and imprint ideas
according to our style and way of communicating.
What I want to share with you right now is that circumstances, time, and money don’t matter. Whenever you want something, go
for it without harming anyone. Literally, be careful in your process of achieving it because the goal matters, but not everyone
appreciates or enjoys the process due to living for tomorrow.
Today is a moment not to stop and to keep fulfilling your dreams.