Feb 15, 2024 | Artistic Inspiration




It is always a pleasure to inform you of my next international

exhibition of contemporary art.

It will be in the city that we should all visit at some point in our lives or several times if possible in Milan.


a wonderful place, enchanting people and culture. If you have the opportunity to
attend the exhibition I will have the pieces of the new big canvas collection in oil
textures unique pieces of art, you will love them.

My inspiration for this collection starts with the theme of animals because of their
importance in our history and socio-cultural impact.



The pieces are very controversial in their background, but beautiful in the way they represent them in a positive way, in the

practice of pushing the world to see the background of what we really are as human beings. I’m moving some pieces of art back

to ancient Greece and over the course of the month I’ll be sharing more information about each piece.


At the moment in debut The Pair of Elephants is a very sensitive piece of art in its communicating

textures and tender to understand the value of what the human being is to share all the love he has

inside to make this life worthwhile.

I consider that a human can only be loving but to be able to the maximum of what we are

composed of (which is love inside) it is necessary Express it, share it and always give more to

others who do the work know what love is, give them a little of what we have learned to love.Don’t

lose the concept of love to perdition, which is totally different.



MONAT GALLERY made a publication on social media this article in unfair Milano art show was nice to see it.


My passion has always been to paint. I started painting on Sunday mornings when I was 7 years

old . I only painted on the weekends, then it was also weekdays, until painting became a big part

of my life. Wherever I went.I wanted to pain or draw something that I saw.




With Love,

Yahaira Vannucchi.

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